Monday, August 4, 2014

Week 2, Swore Farms CSA Baskets 6/3/24

Often at the beginning of a season, the baskets are a little lean, but we give more in later baskets to make up for it as produce becomes ripe. Pickups are Tuesdays from 4:30-6:30

This week, our baskets had a dozen eggs, beets, green onions, fresh ground flour, lettuce, russet potatoes, radishes, and stone cut wheat cereal (called farina: here's a link on how to prep it. ). 

One of our members baked this beautiful loaf from our wheat flour. Yumm!

Our hens are free to come and go as they please with access to fresh grass 24/7. We move their pasture fence around to include the best new growth. The fence helps keep them safe from predators like wild dogs here on the reservation, but they are never shut in and they live happy lives scratching around.

One of the fun things about our eggs is that they come in all colors and sizes. This egg took a while for the hen to lay. I happened to see her just as she was getting ready to drop it. Here's the video:

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